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As far back as I can remember, my Dad taught me about Jesus. Both of my parents were worship leaders at the local church where my Grandfather pastored. I learned the Bible and prayed nightly with my parents. I soon believed and asked Jesus in my heart at the age of seven and was baptized in the lake next to the church. Watching my Dad through the joys and struggles of life left a strong impression on me. He was and is a great Dad, who exemplified Christ and loved like Jesus did. In my teenage years, I was deeply tested and confronted with what I truly believe. The summer before my senior year of High school, in 1993, Jesus Christ saved me from a drowning accident during a hurricane in Virginia Beach, Va. The following evening I began to pray before I went to bed, as was my nightly routine, and I was struck with these questions, “Who is this God I pray to?” and, “Do I know Him?” I answered with, “I don’t know, but I want to know!” I soon realized that God was drawing me to Himself. Knowing God became my greatest desire. At the age of seventeen, I came to a living relationship with the One I had learned so much about. I was born again! The Bible came alive to me, and church became exciting. God soon put in my heart a great desire to see everyone I knew come to Christ. Several Pastors confirmed God’s call on my life and I wanted to reach the world for Him. I began schooling, while serving as Youth Leader, Assoc. Pastor, Senior Pastor, and leading several evangelistic, and comfort & care ministries. God knew I couldn’t do life alone and so He gave me my precious wife Amy. I met the most amazingly beautiful on the inside and out woman of my dreams. We soon married and began our life together. God has blessed us with three wonderful children, Christian, Faith, and Joy. I love being a husband and a father. I’ve been extremely blessed exceedingly more than I could have ever hoped or imagined as my family has stepped in faith along with me to whatever, and wherever God has called in this surrendered life. I love Jesus because He first loved me.